Papers (36)
# | Title | |
1. | Marlin: Preprocessing zkSNARKs with Universal andUpdatable SRS (thesis) Alessandro Chiesa and Yuncong Hu and Mary Maller and Pratyush Mishra and Noah Vesely and Nicholas Ward. 2021. | |
2. | Nova: Recursive Zero-Knowledge Arguments from Folding Schemes Abhiram Kothapalli and Srinath Setty and Ioanna Tzialla. 2021. | |
3. | QuickSilver: Efficient and Affordable Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Circuits and Polynomials over Any Field Kang Yang and Pratik Sarkar and Chenkai Weng and Xiao Wang. 2021. | |
4. | Linear-time zero-knowledge SNARKs for R1CS Jonathan Lee and Srinath Setty and Justin Thaler and Riad Wahby. 2021. | |
5. | Time- and Space-Efficient Arguments from Groups of Unknown Order Alexander R. Block and Justin Holmgren and Alon Rosen and Ron D. Rothblum and Pratik Soni. 2021. | |
6. | Cairo – a Turing-complete STARK-friendly CPU architecture Lior Goldberg and Shahar Papini and Michael Riabzev. 2021. | |
7. | Rinocchio: SNARKs for Ring Arithmetic Chaya Ganesh and Anca Nitulescu and Eduardo Soria-Vazquez. 2021. | |
8. | Brakedown: Linear-time and post-quantum SNARKs for R1CS Alexander Golovnev and Jonathan Lee and Srinath Setty and Justin Thaler and Riad S. Wahby. 2021. | |
9. | Post-Quantum Succinct Arguments Chiesa, Alessandro and Ma, Fermi and Spooner, Nicholas and Zhandry, Mark. 2021. | |
10. | SNARKpack: Practical SNARK Aggregation Nicolas Gailly and Mary Maller and Anca Nitulescu. 2021. | |
11. | Shorter and Faster Post-Quantum Designated-Verifier zkSNARKs from Lattices Yuval Ishai and Hang Su and David J. Wu. 2021. | |
12. | An Algebraic Framework for Universal and Updatable SNARKs Carla Ràfols and Arantxa Zapico. 2021. | |
13. | Succinct Zero-Knowledge Batch Proofs for Set Accumulators Matteo Campanelli and Dario Fiore and Semin Han and Jihye Kim and Dimitris Kolonelos and Hyunok Oh. 2021. | |
14. | Families of SNARK-friendly 2-chains of elliptic curves El Housni, Youssef and Guillevic, Aurore. 2021. | |
15. | LEO: A Programming Language for Formally Verified,Zero-Knowledge Applications Collin Chin and Howard Wu and Raymond Chu and Alessandro Coglio and Eric McCarthy and Eric Smith. 2021. | |
16. | Verifiable computing applications in blockchain \vSimuni\'c, Silvio and Bernaca, Dalen and Lenac, Kristijan. 2021. | |
17. | Formal security analysis of MPC-in-the-head zero-knowledge protocols Nikolaj Sidorenco and Sabine Oechsner and Bas Spitters. 2021. | |
18. | Practical Witness-Key-Agreement for Blockchain-based Dark Pools Financial Trading Ngo, Chan Nam and Massacci, Fabio and Kerschbaum, Florian and Williams, Julian. 2021. | |
19. | Plumo: An Ultralight Blockchain Client Psi Vesely and Kobi Gurkan and Michael Straka and Ariel Gabizon and Philipp Jovanovic and Georgios Konstantopoulos and Asa Oines and Marek Olszewski and and Eran Tromer. 2021. | |
20. | ZPiE: Zero-knowledge Proofs in Embedded systems Xavier Salleras and Vanesa Daza. 2021. | |
21. | Bandersnatch: a fast elliptic curve built over the BLS12-381 scalar field Simon Masson and Antonio Sanso and Zhenfei Zhang. 2021. | |
22. | Scalable and privacy-preserving off-chain computations Eberhardt, Jacob. 2021. | |
23. | Composition with Knowledge Assumptions Thomas Kerber and Aggelos Kiayias and Markulf Kohlweiss. 2021. | |
24. | BooLigero: Improved Sublinear Zero Knowledge Proofs for Boolean Circuits Yaron Gvili and Sarah Scheffler and Mayank Varia. 2021. | |
25. | Reinforced Concrete: Fast Hash Function for Zero Knowledge Proofs and Verifiable Computation Barbara, Mario and Grassi, Lorenzo and Khovratovich, Dmitry and L\"uftenegger, Reinhard and Rechberger, Christian and Schofnegger, Markus and Walch, Roman. 2021. | |
26. | Efficient Functional Commitments: How to Commit to Private Functions Dan Boneh and Wilson Nguyen and Alex Ozdemir. 2021. | |
27. | Manta: a Plug and Play Private DeFi Stack Shumo Chu and Yu Xia and Zhenfei Zhang. 2021. | |
28. | fflonk: a Fast-Fourier inspired verifier efficient version of PlonK Ariel Gabizon and Zachary J. Williamson. 2021. | |
29. | Towards Accountability in CRS Generation Ananth, Prabhanjan and Asharov, Gilad and Dahari, Hila and Goyal, Vipul. 2021. | |
30. | Aggregating hash-based signatures using STARKs Irakliy Khaburzaniya and Konstantinos Chalkias and Kevin Lewi and Harjasleen Malvai. 2021. | |
31. | VOProof: Efficient zkSNARKs from Vector Oracle Compilers Yuncong Zhang and Alan Szepieniec and Ren Zhang and Shi-Feng Sun and Geng Wang and Dawu Gu. 2021. | |
32. | Latus Incentive Scheme: Enabling Decentralization in Blockchains based on Recursive SNARKs Alberto Garoffolo and Dmytro Kaidalov and Roman Oliynykov. 2021. | |
33. | Succinct Publicly Verifiable Computation Alonso González and Alexandros Zacharakis. 2021. | |
34. | On (Weak) Simulation-Extractability of Universal zkSNARKs Markulf Kohlweiss and Michał Zając. 2021. | |
35. | ZK Contingent Payments for Trained Neural Networks Zhelei Zhou and Xinlei Cao and Jian Liu and Bingsheng Zhang and Kui Ren. 2021. | |
36. | Public inputs in PlonK’s permutation argument Gabizon, Ariel and Williamson, Zachary J. 2021. |