Papers (5)
# | Title | |
1. | Geppetto: Versatile verifiable computation Costello, Craig and Fournet, C\'edric and Howell, Jon and Kohlweiss, Markulf and Kreuter, Benjamin and Naehrig, Michael and Parno, Bryan and Zahur, Samee. 2015. | |
2. | Efficient RAM and control flow in verifiable outsourced computation. Wahby, Riad S and Setty, Srinath TV and Ren, Zuocheng and Blumberg, Andrew J and Walfish, Michael. 2015. | |
3. | Secure sampling of public parameters for succinct zero knowledge proofs Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Green, Matthew and Tromer, Eran and Virza, Madars. 2015. | |
4. | How to Use SNARKs in Universally Composable Protocols. Kosba, Ahmed E and Zhao, Zhichao and Miller, Andrew and Qian, Yi and Chan, T-H Hubert and Papamanthou, Charalampos and Pass, Rafael and Shelat, Abhi and Shi, Elaine. 2015. | |
5. | A Note on the Unsoundness of vnTinyRAM's SNARK. Parno, Bryan. 2015. |